RTDT-Split (510x510)
RTDT-Hand (510x510)

The Real Time Deposition Tagger (RTDT) allows all deposition attendees (even remote parties) to tag important testimony for later reference.

Real Time Testimony Tagging

Using a depose.me Real Time Deposition Tagger (RTDT) a hand held proprietary button device, the user pushes the button to TAG key testimony.  (Pushing the button three or more times in a two second period cancels the prior TAG).

These TAGs can be selected to show on the video/audio transcript timeline viewed in the online User Control Panel (see green triangles on timeline below).  Using a mouse to click on the tag will instantly queue/play the video and synchronized transcript.  The user can easily add/delete or move TAGS using the online tools as sell as create notations for each TAG.

TAGs are private by default.  However it is possible to share TAGs and notations with collaborators using the User Control Panel sharing options.  When sharing TAGs the user can define different TAG colors to allow easy differentiation between collaborator TAGs.