The noticing requirements are no different than those of using a stenographer other than you must state the method of recording to by “audiovisual” means. Rule 30b3A states: “…The party who notices the deposition must state in the notice the method for recording the testimony. …”
The following is sample noticing language to include when using Video/audio as the recording means.
Sample notice if by party scheduling the deposition
TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that [attorneys for plaintiff] will take the video deposition of [deponent] in accordance with Rule 30 and Rule 26 of Utah [or Federal] Rules of Civil Procedure, and record such deposition by audiovisual means through the use of a bonded Utah Notary on [date] at [the Law Office of attorney], Utah and will continue until completed. No court reporter will be present unless requested by another party in this action pursuant to Rule 30 of the Utah [or Federal] Rules of Civil Procedure.
Sample notice if by 3rd party attending the deposition
TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that [attorneys for 3rd party] will be attending the deposition on [date] being conducted by [attorneys for noticing/examining party] and more fully described in the attached subpoena [or notice].
[attorneys for 3rd party] hereby gives notice that in accordance with Rule 26 and Rule 30(b)3(B) – Additional Recording Method of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure [or State] , [attorneys for 3rd party] have arranged for a [bonded – if applicable] and certified 3rd party to record such 2004 examination by audiovisual means in addition to the [court reporter or other noticed recording means] being provided by the noticing/examining party.
[attorneys for 3rd party] will bear the expense of the additional recording.